KiwiSaver in the media

1 min read
March 6, 2025

As KiwiSaver acts as the primary retirement savings vehicle for Kiwis amid an ageing population and funds under management surpasses $100 billion, the FSC advocates to ensure KiwiSaver is fit-for-purpose to deliver a dignified retirement to New Zealanders.

See a collection of the media with FSC CEO Kirk Hope on KiwiSaver in January and February 2025.

View FSC's Blueprint of Growth and KiwiSaver Policy Priorities.

Op-ed from Kirk Hope in The Post: How NZ's retirement system compares with Australia's

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Click on the image above or here to read FSC CEO Kirk Hope's op-ed on how New Zealand's retirement system compares with Australia's on The Post.

NewstalkZB: Kirk Hope - Hurdles around KiwiSaver to be removed

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Click on the image above or here to listen to Ryan Bridge interview Kirk Hope on capital markets on the Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive show on NewstalkZB.

Op-ed from Kirk Hope in The New Zealand Herald: How to give yourself financial freedom in 2025 

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Click on the image above or here to read an op-ed from Kirk Hope on how to give yourself financial freedom on the The New Zealand Herald.