The FSC’s Empower Women are committed to supporting the financial confidence and wellbeing for all wāhine in Aotearoa.
On Thursday 6 March, FSC and the members of the FSC's Empower Women community came together to explore some concerning financial challenges alongside the solutions and the aspirations women have for their lives with The Coalition to End Women’s Homelessness Project Director Victoria Crockford.
Click here to register for the Wellington event, where Retirement Commissioner Jane Wrightson will speak alongside Victoria Crockford.
Vic is the Executive Director of nationwide communications and government relations consultancy, Heft, and has an extensive background in the energy and housing sectors. Most recently, she was CEO of community housing peak body, Community Housing Aotearoa.
She worked with Helen Robinson, Caroline Herewini, Jo Cribb, and Jill Hawkey to establish the Coalition to End Women's Homelessness at the end of her tenure at Community Housing Aotearoa. The Coalition is an advocacy body working to shine a light on women's homelessness in Aotearoa through research, policy and practice, and advocacy.
She is also the Chair of Arts Access Aotearoa - a not for profit that creates opportunities for Deaf and disabled audiences and artists, as well as for people in Corrections.
She is based in Queenstown with her husband and two kids, aged 10 and 8.
Read the Terms and Conditions for this event here.