FSC News

Outlook 2022 with new FMA CEO Samantha Barrass

Written by The FSC team | February 23, 2022
We would like to thank Samantha Barrass and her team for the informative and engaging address - the first she's given to our community in her new role as Chief Executive of the Financial Markets Authority - New Zealand, held on Wednesday 16 March 2022. 
Watch the session below:

Samantha Barrass's speech covered the FMA’s purpose and the aspirations for a fair and healthy financial sector in New Zealand, along with the expansion of the FMA’s mandate and key priorities for 2022.  
Important FMA priorities included financial advice licensing, climate related disclosures, cyber resilience, KiwiSaver value for money and the wholesale investing sector.

Following the speech the online event ran Q&As for attendees on a wide range of topics from cryptocurrency to geopolitical economics.