The FSC welcomes Government decision to refocus policy agenda

1 min read
February 8, 2023

The Financial Services Council welcomes the Government’s plan to refocus its policy agenda on key bread-and-butter initiatives and tackle the cost-of-living crisis.

“This is a win for all New Zealanders and comes at a time when many are feeling the effects of inflation and rising costs. 

“In particular we welcome the deferral of the New Zealand Income Insurance Scheme which will not proceed as proposed while we are faced with serious economic challenges.

“We agree there is a need to explore ways to best address these broad underlying inequities and how it affects New Zealanders. Deferring the implementation will allow more time to get the details right and protect workers and employers from additional costs.

“The FSC is focused on growing New Zealanders’ financial confidence and wellbeing and we look forward to continuing to work with the Government on this.”

- Richard Klipin, FSC CEO

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Financial Services Council of New Zealand
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