The Financial Services Council’s (FSC’s) 2023 Annual General Meeting took place today, announcing steady growth of the industry, strong policy work and welcoming a new Board.
Over the past 12 months, the financial sector has helped New Zealanders manage funds of more than $95 billion and pay out claims of 2.8 billion in life and health insurance.
The FSC has continued to see membership growth. There are now 117 organisations that are members of the FSC (as of October 2023) across insurers in life, health, disability and income insurance, fund managers, KiwiSaver and workplace savings schemes (including restricted schemes), professional service providers, and technology providers to the financial services sector.
The FSC’s 2023 Annual Report included highlights such as:
With the 2023 election year now completed, the FSC’s strong policy position is helping shape our Wellington response.
FSC CEO Richard Klipin said “the work the FSC does continues to bring financial literacy into conversations, whether it’s with Government, members, or consumers. The strong growth of our membership signals the sector's commitment to grow New Zealanders' financial wellbeing.”
The new FSC Board was announced today, welcoming new Board members:
Anna Scott (Smartshares)
Ana-Marie Lockyer (Pie Funds)
Campbell Mitchell (Fidelity Life)
The Following Board members were re-elected:
Naomi Ballantyne (Partners Life)
Nick Astwick (Southern Cross Health Society)
Nick Stanhope (AIA NZ)
Nigel Jackson (BT Funds Management (NZ) Limited)
Peter Forster (BNZ)
Continuing Board members are:
Adam Boyd (ASB)
Fiona Mackenzie (ANZ Funds Management)
Gail Costa (Chubb Life)
Grant Willis (Asteron Life)
James McDonnell (FNZ)
The FSC farewells departing Chair Rob Flannagan, with his term coming to an end in December. His service and contributions have enabled rapid growth under his tenure, and the success that the FSC enjoys today.
Notes to editors
The 2022/23 Annual Report is available to view on the FSC website here.
The 2023 FSC Board: