FSC News

Insights and Trends: Women and finance in New Zealand

Written by The FSC team | March 5, 2025

Access our 2025 Insights and Trends report on Women and finance in New Zealand.

Key takeaways from the report include:

  • Women are more likely to understand financial concepts than men.
  • Women are less confident about their financial understanding, with younger 
    women particularly bearing the burden of financial worries compared to men.
  • Over 80% of Kiwi women rate their level of financial wellbeing as moderate, low 
    or very low, with over 70% feeling that financial wellbeing influences their overall 
  • Women are less likely to be happy with their current financial situation, with just 
    42% saying they are very or somewhat happy, and many are likely to be in a 
    precarious financial situation.
  • Women are more likely to be concerned about inflation and interest rates, and that 
    worry is growing.
  • Women tend to have lower incomes due to the gender pay gap, with less income over their lifetime amplifying financial wellbeing issues in preparing for retirement.

Click the image to access the report:

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the report and its findings.