FSC News

2023 Conference pathways for the Workplace Savings community

Written by The FSC team | June 15, 2023

We've tailored different pathways for individuals in the Workplace Savings community to attend the Building Consumer Confidence Conference 2023 with four different options to attend the days to maximise your value and time.

The Workplace Savings community plays an important role in supporting those with restricted schemes in retirement. 

To recognise the role of Trustees and the schemes they support and create an opportunity for the community to meet and share experiences, we've crafted a number of special packages for this year's FSC Conference to suit your needs.

To register for any of these special promotional options, you must be a Trustee of a Workplace Savings Scheme or member of the FSC Workplace Savings community.

Option 1

Breakfast-only Workplace Savings Legal Update
16 August 7.30 - 8.30 $45+GST

This breakfast session is designed for those working in the workplace savings and restricted schemes sector. We'll explore the current issues facing those managing and supporting schemes.

Option 2

Masterclass, welcome drinks and breakfast on day 1 
15-16 August $175+GST
Join us at 2.30pm on 15 August for our 2-hour Masterclass: Dignity in retirement: Investing adequately and equitably, followed by networking drinks. This option also includes the dedicated Workplace Savings legal and practical issues update breakfast session the following morning.

Option 3
Masterclass, welcome drinks, and full day at conference
15-16 August $750+GST
Join us at 2.30pm on 15 August for our 2 hour Masterclass- Dignity in retirement: Investing adequately and equitably, followed by the full day of political, regulatory and industry sessions the next day.
Option 4
VIP access to the full conference
15-17 August $1250+GST ($200 discount from standard ticket pricing)

Experience the full two day conference programme including the Masterclass on 15 August, the FSC Gala Dinner plus all the main plenary sessions, which include addresses from political leaders.

Select 'Get Tickets' and select 'Workplace Savings' to redeem one of these options.

Register now